Leverage your guest’s personal networks with excellent WiFi connectivity

Leverage your guest’s personal networks with excellent WiFi connectivity

You’ve seen it - the first thing that many guests do when arriving at your property is post to Facebook and Instagram. Good WiFi makes it easy for them to post selfies while they are having fun, or just relaxing and it gives your business valuable exposure to their social networks.

Getting your guests to put your business in front of their friends and family is powerful promotion. All you need to do is provide them with connectivity and let them do the rest. Imagine the value of your property appearing in the feeds of your guests and their friends and family’s personal networks, sharing their experiences and their implicit recommendation of your property with them? This is perhaps the most powerful way to advertise.

Make it easy for them to quickly post their pictures and videos enjoying the amenities that you have invested in and worked so hard to provide. Be the property that shows up in activity streams on social networks.

When your guests post on social media, they portray their experiences – and your property - in the best light. These posts are targeted messages endorsing your property to potential guests seeing their friends having fun - and who might want to try the experience for themselves, becoming your future guests!!

Then the cycle continues; these new future guests will then post to their own unique network of friends and family, and so on. Your easy to use and robust WiFi system will help to create your own influencers, who will share what makes your property special.

You provided excellent amenities and fun activities, provide the means for your guests to easily post and share them with their entire social media network!

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